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[TCT2009]Roxana Mehran教授谈洗脱支架长期安全性

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/25 11:42:00    加入收藏
 关键字:TCT2009 Roxana 

International Circulation: Will you please talk about the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding in patients treated with anti-platelet or anti-thrombotic medications?

Prof. Roxana Mehran: We actually presented some of these data at the European Society of Cardiology meeting.  This paper was presented by Dr. Eugenia Nikolsky.  The risk of gastrointestinal bleeding with these medications is actually small, but when it does happen, the consequences are quite dramatic.  Many patients who develop gastrointestinal bleeding are discontinued from life-saving dual anti-platelet therapy, which can lead to terrible adverse events such as stent thrombosis, which then could lead to death.  Gastrointestinal bleeding, while rare, is extremely important and needs to be avoided.  
 Prof. Roxana Mehran: 事实上,我们在欧洲心脏病学会介绍了这部分研究资料。胃肠道出血的风险其实很低,但当它发生时,后果相当严重。许多患者因此死亡,双重抗血小板治疗的挽救药物,能预防发生非常严重和可怕的临床事件,如支架血栓形成,即随后会消亡。尽管胃肠道出血罕见,但后果极其严重,需要尽力避免。

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