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[ASH2010]Treatment Strategy for Diabetes Patients with CVD ——Luis Kuritsky教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/5/21 12:44:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Luis Kuritsky ASH2010 糖尿病  CVD 

    Luis Kuritsky教授:糖尿病患者的降压目标值应当与其他患者相同。ACCORD试验显示,糖尿病患者的降压目标值可能不需要有别于其他患者。尽管糖尿病患者的心血管风险更高,但这并不意味他们的降压目标值应更低。   

    <International Circulation>: So we may have to accept this higher goal in diabetic patients?

    Prof. Kuritsky: They should have the same goal as everyone else. This trial demonstrates that diabetics perhaps do not need a special goal different from others and although their demonstrated risk is higher that does not mean we have to push blood pressure goals lower.

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