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作者:DanielMKolansky 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/24 17:09:29    加入收藏
 关键字:支架内狭窄 支架血栓形成 Daniel M Kolansky 

    <International Circulation>:  Could you talk about the predisposing factors for in-stent restenosis and late stent thrombosis? Are they different?

    Dr Kolansky: They are different. Let’s first talk about restenosis and the clinical factors for that: smaller reference vessel diameter and smaller minimum lumen diameter (MLD) achieved; longer areas of disease and therefore longer areas of stenting; and perhaps patients with predisposing factors such as diabetes, will tend to have a higher incidence of clinical restenosis. Now an entirely different complication related to stenting is stent thrombosis. Stent thrombosis is not a proliferative problem but is rather a platelet-mediated thrombotic event that can occur either early or late. With bare-metal stents, stent thrombosis, if it occurs, usually occurs within the first thirty days after implantation. With drug-eluting stents, we know that stent thrombosis can occur over a much longer duration of time and we tend to look at early (acute or sub-acute), late or very late stent thrombosis.

    Kolansky博士: 两者还是有差别的。首先支架内再狭窄和其影响因素为:小的参照血管的管径和微血管管径,长病变通常导致长支架的使用,糖尿病史也往往提示再狭窄率高。而与之完全不同的PCI并发症为支架内血栓,它不是增生性的病变,而是血小板介导的一次血栓事件,发生的时间可早可晚,对于BMS支架内血栓的发生时间通常在术后30天内。对于DES其发生时间段较长,可见于早期(急性或亚急性)晚期或晚晚期的支架内血栓。

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