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[CHC2012]2012年慢性完全闭塞血管成形术最新进展——日本Toyohashi 心脏中心Yoshihisa Kinoshita教授专访

作者:Y.Kinoshita 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/8/27 12:25:28    加入收藏
 关键字:CTO 慢性完全闭塞病变 血管成形术 

  Yoshihisa Kinoshita:日本丰桥心脏中心副主任。介入心脏病学家,研究领域为冠状动脉疾病的新疗法和冠状动脉造影。
  International Circulation: What do you think some of the most important developments are, in technology or technique, in CTO interventional therapy over the past year?
  Dr. Kinoshita: Both technology and technique are very important. Recently, many new devices have become available and Japanese doctors are quite skilled in their use. However, technology has its limits and doctors can only reach a certain level based on the devices alone. In the end, it is technique and practice that are most important. For technology, in the CTO field, the development of new CTO wires is highly significant. Historically, the Japanese have led the field in guide wire development. About 20 years ago, there were few CTO guide wires, but now there are many and most of which are based on Japanese concepts. Having a good wire is essential, because if you cannot pass the guide wire in the lesion, you cannot perform the procedure. Wire development is still highly important.

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