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[ESC2011]左主干冠脉病变的治疗选择——Eeckhout 博士专访

作者:Eeckhout 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/30 16:53:37    加入收藏
 关键字:左主干冠脉病变 SYNTAX CABG PCI TAVI 

    <International Circulation>: What is the next biggest challenges in this field?


    Dr. Eeckhout: In the field of revascularization I think that for interventional cardiologists the main issue is the bio-absorbable technology. The fully bio-absorbable stents, which will have limited release in Europe, will be a great breakthrough. I also see that the structural heart disease field as seeing great improvements. I would insist that TAVI, percutaneous treatment of aortic stenosis is an important progress. There are a lot of techniques, such as mitral valve replacement, seems to remain difficult but I think TAVI and progress in percutaneous revascularization devices are things that we will see in the next five to ten years.


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